Doctor Who Logo 'The Cradle'

by Tasha Suri
Jacket illustration


Tensions are high in Southall, and Seema, Inderjit and Terrence are right in the middle of it.

Threatened by members of the National Front and fearful for their lives, the friends find themselves saved by a seemingly broken-down bus.

But inside this bus, a world of wonders and terrors awaits.

And when a tall, grumpy man calling himself 'the Doctor' says he can help, they've no chice but to trust him...

Publication Date:
26th Octover 2023

*Featuring the Twelfth Doctor

*A BBC/Puffin Books 'Doctor Who: The Decades Collection' novel

*Time-placing: The Doctor is wearing his sunglasses (likely sto be sonic), so I'm placing this during new Series 9 / Season 35