Torchwood Logo 'Among Us'
Part 10:

by Ash Darby
Jacket Illustration

Something is killing influencers and Torchwood have to save them. Mr Colchester discovers a whole new world and he doesn’t like it one bit. Don’t forget to like and subscribe.

Samantha Béart (Orr), Paul Clayton (Mr Colchester), Jonny Green (Tyler Steele), Alexandria Riley (Ng), Jhon Lumsden (Chris / The Ensemble), Jade Matthew (Flavella / The Ensemble), Helena Breck (The Ensemble), Al Coppola (The Ensemble), Eva Eklof (The Ensemble), Mathew Foster (The Ensemble), Victoria Gee (The Ensemble), Mia Hope (Friend), Adam Howden (The Ensemble)

Directed by David O'Mahony

Release Date: July 2023

*Featuring St John Colchester, Ng, Orr, Tyler Steele and Yvonne Hartman

*A Big Finish 'Torchwood' audio production