Doctor Who Logo 'Trespassers' 2:
'The Casebook of
Paternoster Row':
'The Gentlemen Thieves'

(1 Part)

by Gary Russell
Jacket Illustration

by Lauren Mooney and Stewart Pringle Vastra reviews the case of a ‘one-man crime wave’ – break-ins and burglaries, committed by the same handsome and daring thief, even when they were committed at exactly the same time.

Unravelling the secrets of these doppelganger ne’er-do-wells, the Gang touch on the fringe of a bigger conspiracy. But as Vastra recalls the past, the dangers of the present are closing in.

Neve McIntosh (Madame Vastra), Catrin Stewart (Jenny Flint), Dan Starkey (Strax), Cassian Bilton (Rackham), Gareth Armstrong (Lord Ives), Leighton Pugh (Officer Hornung)

Directed by Ken Bentley

Release Date:
April 2024


*Featuring Madam Vastra, Jenny Flint and Strax

*A Big Finish 'Paternoster Gang' adventure