Doctor Who Logo 'The Revenge of Wormwood':
'The Ghost of
Bannerman Road'

by Jonathan Morris
Jacket Illustration

13 Bannerman Road. The place where it all began, where Rani, Clyde and Luke fought alien menaces with Sarah Jane. Now it’s locked up, derelict and under the watch of UNIT, because top scientists are mysteriously disappearing, and items of alien technology are being stolen from laboratories. An old friend is planning to make her return... and Rani and Clyde have to face their own ghosts.

Anjli Mohindra (Rani Chandra), Daniel Anthony (Clyde Langer), Tommy Knight (Luke Smith), Samantha Bond (Mrs Wormwood), Carla de Wansey (Major Hadley), George Naylor (Sergeant Marcus Nkosi)

Directed by Helen Goldwyn

Release date: January 2024


*Featuring Rani, Clyde and Luke

*A Big Finish 'Rani Takes on the World' adventure