Doctor Who Logo 'Imaginary Friends'

by Jacqueline Rayner
Jacket illustration


It's nearly Christmas when six-year-old Gerry starts dreaming of strange worlds and monsters.

To his parents' confusion, Gerry insists that his dreams are real. He's travelled in time and space and met Daleks and cavemen and insects as big as people!

Desperate for help, what Gerry's family really needs, right now, is a Doctor.

Publication Date:
26th Octover 2023

*Featuring the Third Doctor and Ian

*A BBC/Puffin Books 'Doctor Who: The Decades Collection' novel

*Time-placing: The flashback to the First Doctor takes places during the episode 'An Unearthly Child', from the story '100,000 BC'; the Third Doctor has met the Master, so I'm placing his appearance at the end of Season 8; Ian Chesterton's appearances take place from 1969 onwards