Doctor Who Logo 'Solitary Confinement':
'The Kicker'

(1 Part)

by Trevor Baxendale
Jacket Illustration

When a member of the Temporal Inquisition arrives at the Crane Institute, they discover more to the Master’s madness than meets the eye — and his secrets now threaten them all.

Derek Jacobi (The War Master), Eva Pope (Madame Sendaya), Silas Carson (Governor Drane), Lois Chimimba (Bartholom), Jack Forsyth-Noble (Shilling / Keltus), Jacob Dudman (Inmate), Mateo Oxley (Warden), Amanda Shodeko (Warden)

Directed by Scott Handcock

Release Date:
June 2023


*Featuring the War Master

*A Big Finish adventure