Doctor Who Logo 'Solitary Confinement':
'The Life and Loves of
Mr Alexander Bennett'

(1 Part)

by Alfie Shaw
Jacket Illustration

Alexander Bennett lives a normal life. He has a job, a girlfriend, a plan for the future… and a new home assistant — Maisu — that offers all the advice he could ever need... whether he wants it or not.

Derek Jacobi (The War Master), Jacob Dudman (Alexander Bennett), Kae Alexander (Mia Chan), Lucy Sheen (Michele Chan), Mateo Oxley (Glen Jackson / Warden 2 / Policeman), Amanda Shodeko (Elaine Redfield / Warden), Inspector (Russell Bentley), Jack Forsyth-Noble (Waiter), Lois Chimimba (Bartholom)

Directed by Scott Handcock

Release Date:
June 2023


*Featuring the War Master

*A Big Finish adventure