Doctor Who Logo 'Metamorphosis'
(2 Parts)

by Lisa McMullin
Jacket Illustration

The people of the planet Jaxus are vanishing. When the Doctor and his friends land, Naomi is snatched away by a mysterious fog and taken to a prison run by a very old foe of the Doctor's. The Master is here and he has, as ever, a sinister scheme underway... but neither Naomi nor Harry know who he is... Can the Doctor stop his plans and rescue the prisoners? Or will his companions inadvertently aid his enemy's plans?

Tom Baker (The Doctor), Christopher Naylor (Harry Sullivan), Eleanor Crooks (Naomi Cross), Annette Badland (Toymaker), Geoffrey Beevers (The Master), Nicholas Briggs (Padro), Mark Gatiss (Dante Gabriel Rossetti), Lydia West (Cahlo)

Directed by Jamie Anderson

Release Date:
June 2024

*Featuring the Fourth Doctor, Harry Sullivan and Naomi Cross

*A Big Finish audio production