Doctor Who Logo 'Rogue Encounters':
'The Sublime Porte'

(1 Part)

by James Goss
Jacket Illustration

Hijacking an archaeological dig, the Master excavates the mythical Sublime Porte. But he also unleashes a far more ancient force with it — and its name is Bilis Manger...

Derek Jacobi (The War Master), Murray Melvin (Bilis Manger), Samuel Barnett (Emlak), Jordan Broatch (Kema), Luke Nunn (Altan), Ayesha Antoine (Jan), Nathaniel Curtis (Ticket Robot), Damian Lynch (Stallholder), Agness Nyama (Passerby), Shai Matheson (Firefighter)

Directed by Scott Handcock

Release Date:
December 2023


*Featuring the War Master and Bilis Manger

*A Big Finish adventure