Doctor Who Logo 'Gallifrey':
'War Room: Manoeuvres':
3: 'Transference'

(1 Part)

by Fio Trethewey
Jacket Illustration

When a promising scientist is injured and his new technology stolen, Ollistra sets Leela on the trail. Her hunt takes her outside the Citadel to Lowtown, where a shock awaits. Narvin has returned to Gallifrey. But in trying to help his kin, he risks more than he knows.

Louise Jameson (Leela), Seán Carlsen (Narvin), Carolyn Pickles (Cardinal Ollistra), Beth Chalmers (Veklin), Faith Omole (Cresta), Sam Gittins (Helico), Pepter Lunkuse (Lenaris), Chris Jarman (Cardinal Rasmus), James Corrigan (Hellico [First Incarnation]), Samuel Clemens (Chancellery Captain), Harry Myers (Brigand Leader), Becky Wright (Voices)

Directed by Samuel Clemens and John Ainsworth

Release Date:
September 2022

*Featuring Leela and Narvin

*A Big Finish Audio Production